ピアノ万葉集 – 保管庫11 Piano Ten Thousand Leaves – Archives10 #1101 – #1200

ピアノ万葉集は万葉集と同じ4536曲のオリジナルピアノ音楽で構成されます。このプロジェクトのビジョンは「世界中の人に優しい気持ちを届ける」。ですが、欲が出て来ました。万葉集と同じく「千年後の人々にも届けたい」と思うようになりました。そのためには1000年後までピアノ万葉集の4536曲をしっかりと配信し続ける必要があります。そのためのピアノ万葉集の保管庫が必要であり、それをこのサイトで創ることに決めました。皆様にご支援頂ければ幸いです。 チェアハウス、安井 均

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves consists of the same 4536 pieces of original piano music as the Manyoshu. The vision of this project is to “deliver kindness to people around the world”. But I have a desire. Like the Manyoshu, I came to think that I want to deliver it to people 1,000 years from now. For that reason, it is necessary to continue to steadily distribute the 4536 songs of the Piano Manyoshu until 1000 years from now. For that reason, I needed the Archive for the Piano Manyoshu, and decided to create it on this site. I would appreciate it if you could support me. chair house, Hitoshi Yasui

#1101 – one another like two pieces of cosmic dust – #1101

#1102 – more old songs more dancing – #1102

#1103 – you are too sensitive – #1103

#1104 – T-shirt you wore last night – #1104

#1105 – who seemed like the wind – #1105

#1106 – they might have been razor-edged photographs – #1106

#1107 – anytime is fine – #1107

#1108 – still watching the light – #1108

#1109 – so I think I’ll just sit awhile – #1109

#1110 – women saw no contradiction in that – #1110

#1111 – in long sequence now – #1111

#1112 – letting him take her where he lived – #1112

#1113 – like the snow that falls on this first day of the new year in early spring – #1113

#1114 – endless reverie – #1114

#1115 – echo-harbouring shell – #1115

#1116 – where daffodil and lily wave – #1116

#1117 – my song of old earth’s dreamy youth – #1117

#1118 – And still I dream – #1118

#1119 – your eyes that once were never weary of mine – #1119

#1120 – for other loves await us – #1120

#1121 – fell like faint meteors in the gloom – #1121

#1122 – together in that hour of gentleness – #1122

#1123 – ephemera – #1123

#1124 – she bid me take love easy – #1124

#1125 – before her wandering feet – #1125

#1126 – the hosting of the Sidhe – #1126

#1127 – a woman of so shining loveliness – #1127

#1128 – covered with embroideries out of old mythologies – #1128

#1129 – for to articulate sweet sounds together – #1129

#1130 – unwearied still lover by lover – #1130

#1131 – he had watched her – #1131

#1132 – and there’s something about her – #1132

#1133 – god light – #1133

#1134 – love moment in the quarter – #1134

#1135 – but there was something in her that did interest him – #1135

#1136 – I came from the East – #1136

#1137 – remembering how she had looked then – #1137

#1138 – wanted to bathe and perfume herself – #1138

#1139 – but the sun lay behind a thin cloud cover – #1139

#1140 – she should have known when he first stepped out – #1140

#1141 – feeling good feelings old feelings poetry and music feelings – #1141

#1142 – and I knew I wanted him – #1142

#1143 – the words were inside of her – #1143

#1144 – Around men she usually felt graceful in comparison – #1144

#1145 – the questions eternal and always the same – #1145

#1146 – I have trouble taking my eyes away from her – #1146

#1147 – she could feel his eyes on her constantly – #1147

#1148 – couldn’t see her legs in the mirror – #1148

#1149 – elegant in the purest sense of that word – #1149

#1150 – if you like – #1150

#1151 – when they came downstairs the radio was still on – #1151
