ピアノ万葉集 – 保管庫10 Piano Ten Thousand Leaves – Archives10 #1001 – #1100

ピアノ万葉集は万葉集と同じ4536曲のオリジナルピアノ音楽で構成されます。このプロジェクトのビジョンは「世界中の人に優しい気持ちを届ける」。ですが、欲が出て来ました。万葉集と同じく「千年後の人々にも届けたい」と思うようになりました。そのためには1000年後までピアノ万葉集の4536曲をしっかりと配信し続ける必要があります。そのためのピアノ万葉集の保管庫が必要であり、それをこのサイトで創ることに決めました。皆様にご支援頂ければ幸いです。 チェアハウス、安井 均

Piano Ten Thousand Leaves consists of the same 4536 pieces of original piano music as the Manyoshu. The vision of this project is to “deliver kindness to people around the world”. But I have a desire. Like the Manyoshu, I came to think that I want to deliver it to people 1,000 years from now. For that reason, it is necessary to continue to steadily distribute the 4536 songs of the Piano Manyoshu until 1000 years from now. For that reason, I needed the Archive for the Piano Manyoshu, and decided to create it on this site. I would appreciate it if you could support me. chair house, Hitoshi Yasui

#1001 – the silver apples of the moon

#1002 – the night of the milky way

#1003 – the dress I wore the first night

#1004 – standing before the bureau mirror

#1005 – peregrinus

#1006 – I gave you what was left me

#1007 – smelling quiet

#1008 – more than illusion

#1009 – what you and I had together

#1010 – the night went on

#1011 – loving you in a quiet fashion

#1012 – she fastened her long black hair with a silver clip

#1013 – giving up the pretense of dancing

#1014 – a matter of subtlety

#1015 – the great spiral dance continued

#1016 – and there began the thing that would change her forever

#1017 – how she would feel underneath him

#1018 – when she could feel his hands touching her

#1019 – squinting through tears and rain and fog

#1020 – her hair blowing in the morning wind

#1021 – though neither of us was aware of the other before we met

#1022 – because a fire was in my head

#1023 – dreamlike sequence

#1024 – I wanted this to run forever

#1025 – the physical images were inscribed in her mind clearly

#1026 – ghost of the old eagerness

#1027 – toward a place she’d never been

#1028 – far back along the stems of Darwin’s logic

#1029 – marking the soft curve of oblivion

#1030 – through all of those years I have been falling toward you

#1031 – looking straight into her eyes

#1032 – a photograph just for the two of us

#1033 – I have a favor to ask

#1034 – she watched the rain and remembered

#1035 – in the exact way she wanted that to happen at this moment

#1036 – my small and foolish memory of that time

#1037 – beginning to see things in slow motion

#1038 – but none after

#1039 – never again no matter how many lifetimes you live

#1040 – she had begun to understand what he already understood

#1041 – still she was pleased with what she saw

#1042 – old winds I still do not understand

#1043 – we have been moving toward one another

#1044 – on an August day in retrospect it seems inevitable

#1045 – trolling the gray areas of my mind

#1046 – you’re at the end of the barrel of a lens

#1047 – recollection of planetary

#1048 – ways that whisper to you in the final moment before sleep comes – #1048

#1049 – as they talked on the evening turned blue – #1049

#1050 – after he left – #1050

#1051 – gradually and without design – #1051

#1052 – for the first time as far back as she could remember – #1052

#1053 – over the last two decades – #1053

#1054 – a silver bracelet with some intricate scrollwork – #1054

#1055 – if you don’t mind my boldness you look stunning – #1055

#1056 – we’re both inside of another being we have created – #1056

#1057 – As profoundly as it’s possible to be in love – #1057

#1058 – around the ancient tower – #1058

#1059 – the visions she brought to him – #1059

#1060 – somewhere inside of the breathing – #1060

#1061 – adjusting the dial until she found some quiet music – #1061

#1062 – fifty years’ happiness – #1062

#1063 – distant music – #1063

#1064 – feeling sensual and worldly – #1064

#1065 – under the closest moon in 70 years – #1065

#1066 – come by tonight after you’re finished – #1066

#1067 – it’s been thirteen years ago today – #1067

#1068 – the feel of your skin against mine – #1068

#1069 – what you might be doing as I’m thinking of you – #1069

#1070 – a world that seems to be God-abandoned – #1070

#1071 – do not keep me from wanting you every moment – #1071

#1072 – Instead I am grateful for having at least found you – #1072

#1073 – floating around in her own confusion, forgot to say anything – #1073

#1074 – one of the most sensual moments he could remember – #1074

#1075 – I love you profoundly and completely, and I always will – #1075

#1076 – all of the feelings came together at that moment – #1076

#1077 – on the left side of the entrance to the bridge – #1077

#1078 – bringing back the feel of those hands on her nine years ago – #1078

#1079 – the temptation to call you or come for you – #1079

#1080 – I hope this finds you well – #1080

#1081 – wanting even more of you, never stopping – #1081

#1082 – but I remember your words – #1082

#1083 – night had come to this country – #1083

#1084 – along beneath our ignorance – #1084

#1085 – elegance in the purest sense of that word – #1085

#1086 – she was lovely or could be again – #1086

#1087 – dealt only with shape and sound and shadow – #1087

#1088 – in the indifferent spaces of your heart – #1088

#1089 – it’s not what I dreamed about as a girl – #1089

#1090 – meticulously remembering everything – #1090

#1091 – that felt right – #1091

#1092 – wondering how her hair would feel to my touch – #1092

#1093 – wondering again how it would feel to touch her skin – #1093

#1094 – in fact I’m grad you came – #1094

#1095 – the feelings inside of her were overwhelming – #1095

#1096 – noticing all of her – #1096

#1097 – she had no idea what he meant – #1097

#1098 – there is something very important you need to know about – #1098

#1099 – the photograph she looked at each year – #1099

#1100 – unalterably complete in his love for her at last – #1100
